The art of editing

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Fairy photo editing

After the fun of the fairy sessions, the hard work really begins!

It has been just over a week since our first Vintage Fairy Photoshoots of the year.

The shoots themselves are hugely enjoyable for the Fairy Photographer team. We love to see our young fairies having a wonderful time exploring the dell.

Although some editing is done immediately after the session to help the parents to make decisions about which pictures they like best, the real hard work starts in the days that follow.

Caroline, The Fairy Photographer, takes many photographs during the session and selects around 20 for the parents to look at on the day.

Many parents opt for one of our packages, which vary in price but range from six images up to the entire set.

Once the images are selected and the weekend of shoots is over, Caroline then has the task of editing each image by hand. If we have eight sessions over the weekend, this can mean anything from 50 images up to 200 (20 x 8).

Fairy portrait by Sophie Gengembre Anderson

Fairy portrait by Sophie Gengembre Anderson

Each image takes about half an hour to edit. With a degree in art, Caroline finds this part of the process so enjoyable. Each edited image has texture layers and details added, much like the painting process. So, a busy weekend can result in almost a month’s worth of full-time editing. But the results are worth it.

Each image becomes more than just a photograph. It is a unique piece of art to treasure forever.

Once the editing is finished and the final packages have been ordered, it is just about time to start thinking about setting up the dell for the next Vintage Fairy sessions.

If you know someone who would love to take part in a Vintage Fairy Photoshoot, you can book through the website.

Vintage Fairy Photoshoots 2018
May 19th/20th
June 23rd/24th
July 14th/15th
Sept 22nd/23rd
Nov 10th/11th – Snow Fairies